If you’re getting your own business cards printed and you don’t have a ton of money or access to professional printers, there are great online services willing to help you out. Most of them offer high quality cards, great selection of size, card stock, and designs, and fast delivery. Last week we asked you which sites you thought were the best, and then we took a look at the five best business card printing sites based on your nominations. Now we’re back to crown the winner.
Moo easily took the top spot with close to 56% of the overall vote. The service, which offers great customer service, a broad set of designs and card options, and great-looking cards that you can customize almost every inch of, took the lead early in the voting and just never gave it up.
In second place with 26% of the overall vote was the budget-friendly VistaPrint, which offers super-cheap (and in some cases, free) business cards if you have the right coupon codes. JukeBox took third place with over 7% of the votes cast, thanks to its beautiful paper and stock options, truly unique designs, and great customer service. In fourth place with 6% of the vote was OvernightPrints.com, and bringing up the rear with close to 5% of the votes cast was GotPrint.
The Hive Five is based on reader nominations. As with most Hive Five posts, if your favorite was left out, it’s not because we hate it—it’s because it didn’t get the nominations required in the call for contenders post to make the top five. We understand it’s a bit of a popularity contest, but if you have a favorite, we want to hear about it. Have a suggestion for the Hive Five?